Finding God in Everyday Life: Reflections on The Call

Finding God’s Purpose in Every Season: Reflections on Chapters 9-15 of The Call by Os Guinness

Welcome back, dear friends! I’m so thrilled that you’re here as we continue exploring Os Guinness’s The Call. This week, we’re focusing on chapters 9-15, and wow—these chapters are packed with powerful insights about living out our calling. They invite us to dig deep into what it means to persevere through trials, embrace God’s timing, and discover the beauty in life’s ordinary moments.

Whether you’re in a season of waiting, feeling the weight of external pressures, or simply navigating the daily grind, these chapters provide wisdom to guide us as we align our lives with God’s call. Let’s dive in and reflect together!

Living for the Audience of One

One of the most freeing yet challenging truths that Guinness revisits in this section is the idea of living for the “Audience of One.” This means placing God at the center of everything we do and freeing ourselves from the constant pull to seek approval from others. How often do we let the opinions of others influence our decisions, even when we know God has called us in a specific direction?

I’m reminded of Galatians 1:10, where Paul asks, “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” What a powerful reminder! When we shift our focus to pleasing God alone, we let go of the burdens that come with seeking validation from others. It doesn’t mean that the road becomes easier, but it does become clearer.

I think back to times when I was tempted to conform to others’ expectations, and how heavy that felt. But when we live for God’s approval, it’s like a weight lifts off our shoulders. Have you experienced that freedom in your own life? How do you refocus on living for God’s approval when the world is clamoring for your attention?

Navigating Challenges in Our Calling

As we reflect on these chapters, it’s clear that living out our calling isn’t without challenges. I’m sure we’ve all been there—feeling like God has placed a calling on our hearts, but the moment we take that first step, we’re met with resistance. Guinness emphasizes that this resistance, whether external (from society or others) or internal (our own doubts and fears), is part of the journey. It’s in those moments that we learn the true meaning of perseverance.

This reminds me of James 1:12, which says, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” Trials aren’t a sign that we’ve lost our way—they’re often a sign that we’re walking the right path. When we face challenges, we’re given the opportunity to lean more deeply into God’s strength rather than our own.

Think about Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem in the face of constant opposition. He faced ridicule, threats, and obstacles from all sides, yet he stayed focused because he knew that his work was for God (Nehemiah 4). Nehemiah’s unwavering faith and determination show us that no matter the challenge, if we keep our eyes on God’s call, He will guide us through.

Let’s reflect: Have you ever faced opposition while pursuing God’s call? How did you stay focused? How can we continue to lean into God’s strength when the road gets tough?

Trusting in God’s Timing

One of the themes that hit me hardest in these chapters was the importance of trusting God’s timing. Oh, how hard that can be! We live in a world that glorifies instant gratification, and when things don’t happen right away, we can easily become discouraged. But as Guinness points out, God’s timing is perfect. It might not always align with our timeline, but it’s exactly what we need.

Joseph’s story in Genesis came to mind as I was reading. God gave Joseph a vision of leadership when he was young, but before he could see that dream fulfilled, he spent years as a slave and a prisoner. In Genesis 50:20, Joseph reflects on his journey and says, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” What faith he must have had to trust God’s timing, even when the circumstances seemed so bleak!

I think many of us can relate to Joseph’s waiting period. We sense God has something for us, but the path seems long and uncertain. Yet, it’s in the waiting that God refines us, shapes us, and prepares us for the next steps. It’s not about what we can accomplish in our own strength but about what God is doing in us during the process.

Pause and reflect: Are you in a season of waiting? How can you shift your focus from impatience to trusting in God’s perfect timing? How can this period of waiting be used for growth and preparation?

Finding God in the Ordinary

Another beautiful reminder in these chapters is that God’s calling isn’t always about grand, visible acts of service. Often, He calls us to serve Him in the ordinary, everyday tasks. I love how Guinness emphasizes that we can honor God in even the simplest moments of life. It’s not just in the big, exciting events where we find purpose; it’s in the small, faithful acts of obedience.

This brought to mind Colossians 3:23: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” Whether we’re caring for our families, doing our jobs, or simply going about our daily routines, each moment can be an act of worship when done with a heart for God. It’s easy to overlook the importance of the ordinary, but God often does His most transformative work in the quiet, unnoticed parts of our lives.

Jesus Himself modeled this beautifully. While He performed many miracles and taught thousands, He also spent time quietly serving, like when He washed His disciples’ feet (John 13:1-17). In this humble act, He demonstrated that no task is too small when done in love.

Question for reflection: How do you approach the ordinary moments in your life? What helps you see the significance of small, daily acts of service? How can we remind ourselves that even the mundane tasks have eternal value when done for God?

Becoming More Like Christ

As we wrap up our reflections on chapters 9-15, one key theme stands out: our calling isn’t just about what we do, but about who we are becoming. God’s ultimate purpose for us is to be conformed to the image of Christ. Every challenge, every season of waiting, every ordinary moment is shaping us to reflect more of Jesus.

Romans 8:29 says that we are “predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son.” This isn’t a one-time event—it’s a lifelong process. As we walk through life, facing ups and downs, God is using each experience to mold us more into Christ’s likeness. This takes surrender and trust, but it’s in this process that we truly discover our purpose.

I love how Guinness weaves this truth throughout these chapters. He reminds us that the journey isn’t about achieving some grand goal or fulfilling a checklist—it’s about becoming more like Jesus every day. Whether through trials, waiting, or small acts of service, God is continually refining us.

Reflect with me: How do you see God shaping you into the image of Christ in this season? What areas of your life are being refined, and how can you embrace that process with an open heart?

Extended Prayer

Heavenly Father,
We come before You with grateful hearts, thanking You for the unique call You’ve placed on each of our lives. Help us to live for You alone, our Audience of One, and to let go of the need for approval from the world. When challenges arise, give us the strength to persevere and trust that You are working all things for our good.

Teach us patience in seasons of waiting, reminding us that Your timing is perfect, even when we can’t see the whole picture. Help us find purpose in the ordinary moments of life, knowing that every task we do can glorify You when done with a heart of service.

And most of all, continue to shape us into the image of Christ. Mold our hearts, refine our character, and make us more like Jesus each day. We trust You, Lord, with our calling, our journey, and our future.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Final Thoughts

Thank you so much for walking through these chapters with me. There’s so much beauty in recognizing that every season of our lives—whether challenging, ordinary, or full of waiting—has meaning when we live for God. I’d love to hear your thoughts! How are you embracing God’s call in your life right now? Let’s continue this journey together.

Until next time, keep soaring by grace!

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